
New project for “HAND DIG ONLY”

Underground Solutions was recently contacted by a client to see if we could excavate 73 ea. 5’x5’x5’ pits to repair a Chilled water line system on a High School campus in Temecula California. The project specifications called for  a HAND DIG ONLY option due to all the utilities located within the same proximity of the Chilled water line needing repair. Our client submitted to the project owner USI’s procedure which is to excavate using Vacmaster Air rigs. The owner determined that excavating with Air was the safest and most efficient way to approach this project, allowing our client to issue a contract to us to perform this work. This project had a very short time frame for the amount of locations that would be needing repair. Once the project started, the size and number of locations increased, but the time frame did not. USI understood the issue our client was facing and sent 3 trucks to the site to ensure that all the locations were excavated allowing enough time for our client to complete their repairs. Once the Chilled water line was exposed you could see why the owner had a hand dig only option, and why Underground Solutions was the first and only choice to excavate these locations. DSCN5015 DSCN5018 (3) DSCN5047 DSCN5141 (2) IMG_0682 (3) photo (9)